
Mobile App Development

As the name suggests, Mobile App Development is the development of applications that run on mobile devices.

Development involves creating software installed on the mobile device enabling backend services for data access through APIs and testing the application on target devices.

The services provided by our team is:

Mobile App Marketing:

In the mobile app marketing domain, we provide:

  • App Branding:
    Our team has expertise in promoting the application for companies who want to promote their brand through mobile applications.
  • App Store Optimization:
    According to a user, many users (Android and IOS users explore and find new applications through app store search) Companies must reach out to as many users as possible through app store search. Our team has expertise in app store search optimization.
  • App submission:
    To increase app reach to maximum users. One of the essential marketing techniques is to promote the application on various platforms such as PR sites, blogs and review sites. Our team can help companies increase their reach by promoting on these platforms.
  • App Advertising:
    App advertising involves paid advertisements on search engines to increase the search appearance of the applications.
    Advertisements on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter will increase the user base.

Application development:

Mobile application development involves the development of applications. There are different methods by which the development is done. Our team knows the up-to-date technologies has expertise in the following technologies:-

Native Mobile Applications:
This involves development in two prominent platforms, ie.IOS platform from Apple Inc. and the Android platform from Google.

Hybrid Mobile Applications:
Hybrid Mobile Application is a combination of web technologies such as (Javascript, CSS, HTML5) and mobile app technologies.

Cross-Platform Applications:
The cross-Platform application gives ease to various programming languages and frameworks compiled into native applications.


Our Pricing Plan

These are various plans offered by us

Basic Plan


  • Basic Functionality etc.
  • Informative app
  • Contact form
  • Live Testing
Advance Plan


  • E-commerce App development
  • CMS
  • Basic Admin ( Add, Update, Delete)
  • App development as per UI/UX
  • Live Testing


Pro Package Plan


  • Advance Functionally App Development
  • Advance Admin
  • Payment Gateway
  • Whatsapp API Integration
  • Client side Dashboard
  • App development as per UI/UX
  • Live Testing
Customized Plan

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